We'll share and learn the fundamentals of the game through play and imagination, keeping to our motto: "Fun, Sun & Soccer!" We take care to ensure everyone is included and feels comfortable in being 'part of the team'. Come play with us!

Our camps and clinics introduce game strategy to complement the continued development of skill. The tone shifts, and the players engage at a stronger level, while maintaining the value of having fun.

For individual players and teams, our coaches will consult, shadow and chaperone a powerful growth minded experience supporting an elevated and competitive level of play. Ideal for young athletes interested (or already playing) in high school or college.
How we feel about it:
It's been a privilege to work with thousands of young soccer players. For us, one aspect holds true: fun should always be part of the equation, no matter how competitive the level. The memories formed can last a lifetime. It's been an honor, to support, teach, mentor and coach, with the goal of infusing confidence and pride that leads to passion and love for a sport that depends on every member of the team to contribute. SoccerKidsUSA has allowed us to share our voices, as coaches, and we are forever grateful. Come play with us! ;)
A bit about us:
SoccerKidsUSA is a unique and playful children's program that introduces boys and girls to the incredible & wonderful world of soccer. There's a language and conversation around the spirit of the game. It's meant to unify. There's pride of origin, in all of us. The best game is where everyone gets to play and be included. We have a place for everyone, because it's more fun with everyone who wants to share in the spirit. It's the moments shared and memories made. The smiles and high fives. It's a love for people of varied cultures & backgrounds. A shared language and game that's really fun to play.
We offer classes and clinics, and may even lead a birthday party or two. Mostly, we are here to mentor, to share what we've learned as players and coaches. We're here to share the passion for a game that has been so supportive of who we are, as a means of expression. So good to us! We are Kids (of all ages) who mostly grew up & love to play Soccer in the USA, are proud of the version we represent, and wish to share the goodness of the experience with as many people as possible, around the world, bringing smiles & high fives and doing good in the process.
Come Play With Us! :)